Background to the Study
Literature is generally defined as a collection of writings on any given subject or field of endeavours. However, there also exist some technical definitions of literature. Alorams (2000) defines literature as “the ability to create, imagine, and express an idea or composition through a definite method and the study of the method itself”. In other words, literature is seen as a subject that is unique in contents and methodology. The Oxford Concise English Dictionary (1999) also defines literature as “written works, especially those whose value lies in beauty of language or in emotional effect”. The definition only portrays literature as an expression of ideas, thoughts and feelings with emphasis on the aesthetic values of language.
Ajimuda, (2012), Literature-in-English is not taught in schools just for the purpose of doing it but for the various functions it is expected to play in language acquisition, opinion formation and moral development. In order to achieve all these, the teachers should make sure they teach Literature-in-English effectively.
E-libraries are becoming an integral part of digital learning environments. At the same time, the notion of “digital library” is subject to a broad range of definitions. Different audiences associated with a digital library have different interpretations; they evaluate a digital library differently and use different terminologies, (Smiths, 2020). On one end of the range, digital libraries (DLs) are considered to be related to physical libraries performing similar functions, thus creating a hybrid library (combining traditional and electronic resources). On the other end, DLs are considered to be knowledge repositories, and services, organized as complex information systems, (Asuras, 2012).
The education system of Nigeria has passed through different phases and stages. With these myriad of changes one ponder if these changes were worthwhile. Although change is expected and inevitable, as all natural phenomena in life, the education system in Nigeria has experienced many challenges and problems in terms of continuity and inconsistency due to restructuring of the system from time to time. Nwagwu (2019) stressed that Nigeria has experienced growth without development. He opined that looking at the past and contemporary endeavours in education; one sees an apparent lack in synergy and interactive harmonious relationship between educational growth and educational development. Similarly, Moja (2020) noted that over a decade in Nigeria, the political instability generated a negative effect on the education system. The political unrest plagued not just the education system but the school library system in particular. He further stressed that these difficulties were more pronounced at the foundation levels of education.
Private School Blog of Nigeria (2011) states that problem areas in the development of school libraries in Nigeria include lack of legislation, shortage of funds, poor accommodations, unavailability of trained staff, lack of relevant material, and apathy on the part of school administrators and the government. The project aimed at Digital Libraries in Education (DLEs) is being developed in accordance with strategic goals of the UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education (IITE). UNESCO intends to foster new forms of networking between teacher-training institutions and teachers, using digital libraries (DLs) as well as production and deployment of digital educational materials, (Mills, 2013).
This project started with the international expert meeting held in June 2001 in Moscow. The information materials Digital Libraries in Education: State-of-the-Art Report had been prepared as a basis for discussion during that meeting. These materials contained a brief analysis of (1) current trends leading to quite rapid changes of learning environments in contemporary society and of (2) the most notable existing programmes for the development of DLEs. One of the recommendations of the expert meeting was to continue investigation of current experience with DLEs, under the IITE framework, and to prepare an analytical survey of the area, to be widely disseminated. This analytical survey is the current stage of the IITE project on DLEs.
The role of technology in teaching and learning is rapidly becoming one of the most important and widely discussed issues in contemporary education policy (Rosen and Well, 2015; and Thierer, 2016). Most experts in the field of education agreed that, when properly used, information and communication technology hold great promise to improve teaching and learning in addition to shaping workforce opportunities. Poole (2016) has indicated that computer illiteracy is now regarded as the new illiteracy. This has actually gingered a new and strong desire to equip schools with computer facilities and qualified personal necessary to produce technologically proficient and efficient students in developed countries of the world. There is no doubt that computer can aid the instructional process and facilitate students’ learning. Many studies have found positive effect associated with technology aided instruction (Burnett, 2014, and Fitzgerald and Warner, 2016).
The use of e-library in Nigeria and African countries generally is increasing and dramatically growing. However, while there is a great deal of knowledge about how e-library are being used in developed countries, there is not much information on how e-library are being introduced into schools in developing countries (Beukes-Amiss and Chiware, 2016). Looking at the developing countries according to these authors, there is generally limited access time per month using e-library by both the teachers and students, and even less time spent with reliable Internet access.
It should be noted that availability of e-libraries vis-Ã -vis access in term of ratio of teachers and students differs significantly. Despite this, the new and emerging technologies challenges the traditional process of teaching and learning, and the way education is managed. While information communication technology is an important area of study in its own right, it is having a major impact across all curriculum areas. Easy worldwide communication provides instant access to vast array of data, challenging assimilation and assessment skills (Fowowe, 2016). Rapid communication plus increased access to ICT in the home, at work, and in educational establishment, could mean that learning becomes a truly lifelong activity- an activity in which the pace of technological change forces constant evaluation of teaching process itself.
There is no doubt that e-library provides productive learning in order to increase people’s creative and intellectual resources especially in today’s information society. Through the simultaneous use of audio, text, multicolor images, graphics, motion, ICT gives ample and exceptional opportunities to the students to develop capacities for high quality learning and to increase their ability to innovate.
Therefore, this study will investigate the impact of e-library to effective teaching and learning of literature-in- English in senior secondary schools in Mushin local government area of Lagos state.
Statement of the Problem
E-library has tremendously advanced research activities and academic excellence in schools by providing relevant information resources to the users. The awareness towards the use of communication technology is increasing in the classroom in the developing world such that mere verbalization or over verbalization of words alone in the room to communicate ideas, skills and attitude to educate learners is futile.
Angaye (2015), noted that the problem of information technology illiteracy was a serious one among teachers in the country as it cuts across primary, secondary schools and tertiary institutions. He said that many teachers in the country did not have basic computer appreciate n skills and noted that the problem was a hindrance to efforts at achieving the use of computers for educational purposes in schools.
Busari (2016), is of the view that poor reading skills of students, the state of e- library facilities, dearth of literary text books affect effective teaching and learning of literature –in-English as a subject. This study will bring to the fore the impact of e-library to effective teaching and learning of literature-in- English in senior secondary schools in Mushin Local Government Area of Lagos state.
Purpose of the Study
The general objective of this study is to examine the impact of e-library to effective teaching and learning of literature-in- English in senior secondary schools in Mushin local government area of Lagos state. The specific objectives of the study are to:
(i) identify e-library resources in senior secondary schools for learning literature-in- English.
(ii) identify e-library services provided in senior secondary schools for learning literature-in- English.
(iii) determine the areas for improvement and innovation to enhance access to e-library resources for learning literature-in- English.
(iv) determine the areas for improvement and innovation to enhance information retrieval from e-library resources for learning literature-in- English.
Significance of the study
The findings from this study will provide education policy makers and managers/ administrators with information to help formulate their teacher training programmes involving E-library for education. This study on the use of E-library in the teaching and learning of Literature-in- English in senior secondary schools will be relevant to teachers, students, curriculum planners, educational researchers and government. It will also help Ministry of Education Science and Technology (MOEST) in formulating institutional capacity building framework to empower E-library for education. The study will make possible recommendations towards increasing the use of E-library in enhancing teaching and learning processes.
The teachers will find the result beneficial because it will come up with the best method of teaching and learning of Literature-in- English using E-learning. E-library is a new technological innovation in Nigeria and lecturers have not utilized it fully in the teaching and learning of Literature-in- English. This study will avail the teachers of the information that will enable them to utilize E-library in the teaching and learning of Literature-in- English with wonderful results.
There is no doubt that these strategies, E-library facilities and technologies will help them achieve proficiency in the use of the Literature-in- English. Moreover, curriculum planners will explore the result of this study and incorporate it in planning the Literature-in- English curriculum for effective teaching and learning. Again, this study will make its contribution to the literature on E-library thereby contributing to educational research in Nigeria.
Finally, the results of this study will help the government to stand to its responsibility of providing E-library facilities for school E-library facilities if provided to secondary schools will enhance effective teaching and learning of Literature-in-English. This study was thus expected to generate information on the impact of the E-library in teaching and learning. With changes in modern technologies learners need to be equipped with updated knowledge that will make them adapt to the changing world. Such knowledge leads to better communication and increased learning as a result of e-Commerce and self-employment in the ICT sector. The study was also expected to generate knowledge on E-library that has impacts on education quality, access and completion rates.
Scope of the Study
This study is limited to the impact of e-library on effective teaching and learning of Literature-in- English in the selected Senior Secondary Schools in Mushin Local Government Area of Lagos state. Teachers and students form the sample of the study. The dependent variable of the study is to teaching and learning of Literature-in- English while its independent variable is impact of e-library.
Research Questions
The following research questions are to guide this study:
i. What are the e-library resources in senior secondary schools for learning literature-in- English?
ii. What are the e-library services provided in senior secondary schools for learning literature-in- English?
iii. What are the areas for improvement and innovation to enhance access to e-library resources for learning literature-in- English?
iv. What are the areas for improvement and innovation to enhance information retrieval from e-library resources for learning literature-in- English?
v. What are the major challenges to effective use of e-library for teaching and learning of Literature-in- English?
vi. How can the challenges be managed?
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